Корелацията изразява степен на зависимост между две променливи. Когато промяната в едната променлива е съпроводена с промяната на другата променлива, имаме корелационна зависимост между двете. Корелацията обаче е необходимо, но недостатъчно условие за доказване на причинно-следствена връзка [1].

С други думи, причинно-следствената връзка между две променливи изисква задължително наличие на корелация между тях, НО наличието на корелация не гарантира присъствие на причинно-следствена връзка. Корелацията дава само основание за създаване на хипотеза за съществуването на връзка между две променливи, която се проверява по емпиричен път чрез контролирани изследвания [1].

Пример#1: Съществува положителна корелация между консумацията на млечни продукти и нивата на остеопороза в развитите държави. При проверяване на тази хипотеза в контролираните експерименти обаче се установява, че млечните продукти притежават само ползи по отношение на здравето на костите. Това води до отхвърляне на причинно-следствена връзка между тези две променливи.

Пример#2: Увеличаването на броя пушачи води до увеличаване на смъртните случаи от рак на белите дробове, но  това отново не доказва, че едното е причина за другото. При провеждане на многобройни епидемиологични изследвания обаче, учените доказват, че пушенето на цигари наистина причинява рак на белите дробове. Така те потвърждават хипотезата за наличие на причинно-следствена връзка, създадена от корелационната зависимост, и вадят заключение, че пушенето може наистина да причини рак на белите дробове.

Представените долу примери представляват положителна корелационна зависимост между две променливи, при които обаче липсва причинно-следствена връзка. Въпреки че научните изследвания отхвърлят хипотезата, че едното може да е причина за другото, заложеното желание на хората да се построи именно такава ясна причинно-следствена връзка между две събития става честа причина за създаване на напълно погрешни заключения.

#1# “Колкото по-често пия хранителни добавки за отслабване, толкова повече отслабвам. Следователно хранителните добавки за отслабване са ефективни.”

#2# “С напредването на медицината хората стават все по-болни. Следователно напредъка на медицината всъщност не прави хората по-здрави, а по-болни.”

#3# “Ваксинациите се увеличават, а с това и броя на децата с аутизъм. Следователно ваксините са причина за аутизма.”

#4# “Когато правя кардио на гладно отслабвам. Следователно кардиото на гладно изгаря повече мазнини.”


[1] “Слочаенос? Не мисла! Разликата между корелация и причинно-следствена връзка.” nauka.offnews.bg, [online] <http://nauka.offnews.bg/news/Skeptik_3/Slochaenos-Ne-misla_8442.html>

“Разпространението на аутизма остава непроменено в последните 20 години.” Sciencebasedmedicine.org, [online] <https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/autism-prevalence-unchanged-in-20-years/>

“Корелацията не доказва причинно-следствена връзка” bb-team.org, [online] <https://www.bb-team.org/articles/4921_korelaciata-ne-dokazva-prichinno-sledstvena-vruzka>

Categories: Science


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SummaryPartyTime Jukebox is a straightforward audio player tool with a huge list of advanced features. Whether you use it on touchscreen monitors or set it up as a regular desktop application, it provides most of the audio streaming functionality. The app allows you to play local audio files and data via multiple playlists, manage tracks via a user-friendly interface, view and edit their metadata, as well as add additional audio files for your collections, as well as set up your remote jukebox broadcasting http://www.rivieratoscana.it/gen/inc/redir.asp?URL=https://gaming-walker.com/upload/files/2022/05/FNZQXaVnMcVVO1knN9PD_19_ff9b18c44679115115ab888e6d2e471d_file.pdf 05e1106874 latvdar

hiawche · May 20, 2022 at 11:22 pm

It will include a complete set of icons for Apple’s iWeb, iMovie, iPhoto, Garageband, FaceTime and other applications. The application will also offer users with a set of icons for Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari web browsers as well as Facebook and other social networking icons. As a bonus, users will be able to download a set of dock icons for free-of-cost applications that are provided by Microsoft. The program is offered in a single EXE package http://dh.maodouz.com/go.php?url=http://bookmarkwebs.com/upload/files/2022/05/YCKsfN2A7WBk1iJnKFMw_19_cbb50ef5c1930801c17ee0cf1372623c_file.pdf 05e1106874 hiawche

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When the plugins include interactions with the current user interface (UI), they may therefore require modification when in use.

The set of plugins in this plugin appears to be quite generic and the command examples provided in the documentation suggest that a plugin just needs to explicitly implement at least on of three actions:

title (a string for it)

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Furthermore, we’ve included an example data logger to record keystrokes in case a keylogger is present. The file needs to be opened manually to see the log entries. Last, we offer a text-only display mode, and an hex editor.
Finally, the package is available as a 32-bit and a 64-bit package. To install the program, launch the included setup installer, which creates a file called rainmeter.ini. The presence of sample Rain http://cse.google.co.th/url?sa=i&url=https://www.destinedtomotivate.com/profile/saparmacacomna/profile
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Although Radmin Mobile VPN could in the future evolve to support more advanced features and adjustments, it’s still yet to come up with the kind of main interface that would let you efficiently get the most out of your browsing. Right now, it only allows you to open one connection at a time, though this could be changing in the future.
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With a few cute icons, an easy to use interface, 4 buttons per calculation and a 1,3 second loading time, you can write down your calc steps in a simple text file and then reload them into the app.
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sharame · June 5, 2022 at 3:54 am

The four different channels are LFO 1, LFO 2, LFO 3 and LFO Wave.

ShinobiPlayer is designed to play digital audio and MIDI files and has a wide range of features:
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* interface – 100% customizable
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* convert audio format: FLAC, MP3, OGG, WAV https://madreandiscovery.org/fauna/checklists/checklist.php?clid=0
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markgavr · June 5, 2022 at 4:22 am

This plugin also contains the ability to create a Qt form and ensure it’s connected to the Eclipse development environment.

Version 1.0.8


Stability enhancements

New wizard (form1/wizard)

Dynamically add the toolbars and columns to the designer form

Extend the wizard to use the “New Project” button in the Eclipse ADT “Create…” dialog to create an Eclipse project

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Moreover, it is possible to reduce the size of the ‘System Volume Information’ folder; however, when the amount of disk space you plan to give to your system protection drops below 100 MB, the best option you have left is the use of System Volume Information Deleter.

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Calculation of FITS TC Mix

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marcarl · June 5, 2022 at 5:46 am

It also includes the methods to install plugins.

Method signature


NanocalcFX plugin API for creating Java JAR files for your custom plugins has been split in 2 builds: building a JAR as usual and building another one with the help of the JAR MANUFACTURER.

This method takes a string as the NAME of the plugin. [OPTIONAL]. If you don’t want to define a new one, Nanocalc https://maps.google.nl/url?q=https://glacial-anchorage-73493.herokuapp.com/Tolerance_Data_20092_crack.pdf
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jameber · June 5, 2022 at 6:13 am

For seasoned users, the key features of the theme include all the stunning pictures and the possibility of manually varying the visual content displayed on your desktop. If you’re among those who appreciate the idea of being in the pictures too, this theme is for you.

The latest universal app from Microsoft is created on the basis of Windows 10. As the name implies, the app lets you play music through your device regardless of the chosen operating system. Windows 10 Music works like Media Player Classic and Rokusia, but differs in the fact that it actually brings your apps to the foreground.
The app is very easy to use https://halfin.ru/agilent-vee-pro-9-3-install-crack-4/
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Some of the most popular applications on the Internet are file converters. One of them is WAV To SWF Converter Software.
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Sleek and lightweight user interface
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gonsfurn · June 5, 2022 at 7:14 am

However, the application is not easy to use and, when it comes to documentation, is somewhat outdated. As such, many users may be better off using other tools.

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pipfynb · June 5, 2022 at 7:44 am

System requirements

The minimum system requirements are.NET Version 2.0 installed with Windows XP. If you want to develop Windows applications, you must install the.NET Framework 4.0. The tool supports development for all Windows versions except 8.

Key Benefits

VisioForge Video Capture SDK.NET Edition is a great tool for creating applications that integrate video capturing, video play and video preview functions on Windows.

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allyerle · June 5, 2022 at 8:13 am

When you save the profile, its recent changes are not reflected in the main interface. Yet, the removal of the files is possible, with the latest version of the program installed. However, it creates a copy of them because the host system is written to. So you should delete this directory manually, after the project is done.


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It can also rip music CDs and burn them as discs.
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chasho · June 5, 2022 at 9:13 am

Still, this is a solid app which can be useful for everyday use.Q:

Java String.format(…) and String.format(…)

From the Oracle JavaDocs for String.format(..), it states:

The recommended idiom is:
String result = String.format(format, args);

With format and args having as default the defiuct values.

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DVD Photo Slide ShowMaker is a modern multimedia slide show tool which helps you to make photo slideshows in an easy and fast way. The program supports simple drag and drop method of image file importing and includes many transition elements like carousal, zoom, flip, fade, shuffle, cross and split. You can create transitions between pictures by choosing one of the six predefined effects. Additionally, the program enables you to set transition durational period from 1 millisecond to 20 minutes. https://72bid.com?password-protected=login
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The free augmented edition includes access to Weather Watchdog and Meteologic features.
You can specify more than one weather location in order to receive more weather information. The program allows you to add, delete, and move local weather locations.
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Differences in gene expression between well and poorly differentiated human hepatocellular carcinoma as ascertained by suppressive hybridization analysis.
Suppressive hybridization (SH) was performed on a set of fine-needle aspiration biopsy samples from human hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) with the aim of characterizing gene expression differences between well and poorly differentiated tumors. Well-differentiated HCCs exhibited significantly more frequently strong homology with human chromosomes (2p16 https://knb-portal.nl/redirect?link=http://launchimp.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/welfcae.pdf
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The largest of the complaints is perhaps the lack of any editing controls, making the interface virtually non-customizable. Still, unlike a few similar programs out there, mp3divider has proven to be robust and optimized for a wide range of different working scenarios.

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Still, it is a bit time-consuming and requires some practice to get the most from the program.

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Playing career

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