„В защита на което и да е твърдение винаги могат да бъдат намерени изследвания” – това е чест коментар,  който се среща в интернет пространството при всеки дебат на тема хранене и упражнения, особено когато стане въпрос за наука и доказателства.

Подобни дебати често протичат така:

👉„Мислиш, че млякото е здравословно?! Аз ще ти намеря изследване, което доказва, че млякото е вредно!”

За съжаление обаче такъв тип коментари показва единствено погрешното разбиране за това как работи научният метод. Всъщност научните изводи се базират на сбора от емпиричните доказателства. Само когато мнозинството от научни трудове сочат в една и съща посока може да се твърди, че зад дадена теза стоят силни доказателства. С други думи, трябва да се вземат под внимание всичките изследвания на дадена тема, за да се правят генерални заключения. Например, ако 99 % от изследванията достигат до едни резултати, а 1% – до противоположни резултати, тогава цитирането на последните като доказателство, че науката защитава определена теза, показва изопачаване на научните процеси и едностранчиво възприемане на установеното от тях, като така хората затвърждават склонността си да дават предимство на информацията, която потвърждава вече съществуващите им предубеждения (наречено склонност за потвърждаване).

Основните „средства”, които учените използват, за да прегледат и обобщят резултатите от множество изследвания, така че да достигнат до генерално заключение по някаква противоречива тема, са мета-анализите и систематичните обзори. Мета-анализите са статистически анализи, зад които стои идеята, че съществува обща истина в основата на всички концептуално подобни научни изследвания и тя се измерва с определена грешка във всяко едно проучване. Именно благодарение на мета-анализите и систематичните обзори може да се открие тази „обща истина”, базирана на надеждна, обективна и всеобхватна информация.

Цитирана литература:

[1] The Scientific Landscape of Healthy Eating | Dr. Mike Israetel | TEDxSpringfield. Retrieved from TEDxTalks/YouTube.com, <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYeZVfPxwKM&t=33s&app=desktop>

[2] Meta-analysis. Retrieved from en.wikipedia.org, <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meta-analysis>

[3] Evidence-based practice in Exercise and Nutrition: Common Misconceptions and Criticism. Retrieved from lookgreatnaked.com, <http://www.lookgreatnaked.com/blog/evidence-based-practice-in-exercise-and-nutrition-common-misconceptions-and-criticisms/>

Categories: Science


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Please notice this the first time, when you run the application. It’s disabled by default but it’s still a good idea to enable this feature. Click the “Show Advanced Options” button, scroll to the bottom, check “Display Advanced Options” and save all the settings.
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What is new in this release:

Version 2.0.5Released on 2014-03-07

New feature – “Run On” facility for auto-starting programs.

Changes and improvements:

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RAM 512 MiB+

Symantec Win AntiVirus 12 or newer.

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Once that task is accomplished, another problem arises: what if an admin wants to add new users to the system or send out a message to a large group of people?
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gerphia · June 5, 2022 at 8:11 am

JTrack uses the log4j logging framework, making it easy to integrate the plugin with other loggers such as java.util.logging and CSLog.

Can either log method calls or fragments of method calls.
Can log all data passed into the method, not just the parameters or the return value.


JDK 1.3 or greater.

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The free version, which is available for download in this review, provides limited functionality, which means that you will not be able to schedule all the actions available. However, the paid version is compatible with all the current Windows editions, including 64-bit systems.
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The SailFin project is at:

Server Requirements

Windows XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista/7, Apple Mac OS X 10.4 or later.

System Requirements

Deployment Information

Installation Instructions

The Sailfin Service can be installed via one of the following methods:

1. Install directly to a 64-bit Windows instance

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What people should seriously ask themselves is if they have a need to use a VPN. In security terms there is a widespread notion out there that by using a VPN you get additional privacy while on the device itself. This is however usually a misconception. A network provider is still able to monitor anything you are sending to it as there is no secret encryption between you and the server.
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I use this here to speed-up compiling and, though I’m not a hard-core LaTeX user, I never noticed significant improvement in speed over the last days.
You can put this script in your system’s init.d directory at /etc/rc.local or, if you want to have it running on reboot, in /etc/rc.local. You need root-permissions to install binaries, put LaTeXDaemon in that directory or add it to https://spacefather.com/andfriends/upload/files/2022/06/2khqO74U6n3VsbxfBycX_04_c0d53c41515dc6b718cc9aaf8ab7cc5a_file.pdf
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In short, it is indeed possible to integrate Zoho CRM support in.NET applications by using dotConnect for Zoho CRM.

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The SHIELD Hub is designed to work in conjunction with the ZTE SHIELD Android TV media center. As a whole, it’s a tool for managing content on your Google Chromecast or streaming set-top box-compatible device. The SHIELD Hub serves as an interface between your connected set-top box and your Chromecast.
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The minimum score from 0 to 10 will raise the infected graphics’ score. 10, for example, could result in the highest exaggerated Matrix pattern with the highest score.

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jazharm · June 8, 2022 at 5:13 pm

Version history

See also
List of web browsers


External links

Category:Internet Explorer
Category:Internet Explorer add-onsChangelog:
SVN Revision 785, gzipped
Add lzma support.
SVN Revision: 785, date: 2008/10/28-23:11, author: Holger Scherwath https://lanesida.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Special_Agent_PC_Secure.pdf
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Copyright @ 2002-2012 SoftDog. All rights reserved. Like most software, this site is licensed under iulou.com’s GNU General Public License.

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