🐟Рибеното масло е богато на омега-3 мастни киселини, които обаче лесно се оксидират и правят маслото бързо разваляемо. След оксидацията омега-3 мастните киселини променят структурата си, а от молекулите им се получават вторични продукти, наречени липидни пероксиди, заради които рибеното масло получава неприятна миризма и вкус на развалена риба. Това са и най-ясните индикатори, че маслото е развалено. Тестването на миризмата и вкуса трябва да се прави при отворена капсула и е добре да се извършва неколкократно през известен период от време.

Заради способността на омега-3 мастните киселини бързо да се оксидират, от изключителна важност за запазване свежестта на маслото е начина на съхранение. Съществуват няколко начина, чрез които може да се предотврати развалянето на рибеното масло и така да се запазят качествата му за по-дълго време:

 1⃣ Трябва да се избират продукти, продавани в тъмни опаковки, за да се предотврати контакт на маслото със светлината..

 2⃣  Трябва да се избира рибено масло в желатинови капсули, а не в течно състояние, за да се предотврати контакт на маслото с кислорода.

 3⃣  Рибеното масло е добре да се съхранява в хладилник още от момента на отваряне на опаковката, за да се предотврати излагането му на топлинно въздействие.

 4⃣ Трябва да се купува рибено масло, което е в началото на срока си на годност.

 5⃣ Трябва да се избягва рибено масло в големи опаковки , тъй като колкото по-дълго се съхранява, толкова по-голяма е вероятността то да се развали.



[1] How to tell if your fish oil is rancid? Retrieved from thehealthcloud.co.uk, <https://bit.ly/2AIlmgT>

[2] How can I tell if my fish oil supplement is rancid? Retrieved from consumerlab.com, <https://bit.ly/2LTFBNR>

[3] Is Your Fish Oil Rancid? Retrieved from omega3innovations.com, <https://bit.ly/2nf5ER6>

[4] When is fish oil rancid? Retrieved from livestrong.com, <https://bit.ly/2MixQNE>

Categories: Supplements


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Transitions work nicely. The API provides assorted useful functions for low-level manipulation of the tablet’s values. simple local functions to translate the tablet’s values to the same internal representation as the Wacom API. The package also contains functions for accessing pressure and position values and passing them to the Wacom API. These are just functions around the API, not something wrapped around Wintab.

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KTRX Radio Player is a fabulous radio player that will display podcasts and high quality streams in a beautiful and user-friendly interface.
If you are looking for a perfect alternative to iTunes or other music players, a nice, but quite simple application, KTRX is the one you should check out. The application can be used in a number of different ways. First, you can use it to access radio stations, using the built-in online radio stations, or the ones stored https://www.indianlinefarm.com/profile/Results-for-kastorvax777/profile
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Install ChameleonXP

You can use the.exe from the ChameleonXP website, however we suggest you use the MSI instead. A standalone installation is in the same way as unzipping from the file archive, so please refer to our guide How do I install a MSI (MSI package) if you have never used them before.

Both programs have an alternate icon, but ChameleonXP does not run when you start the computer, and should be https://www.predajzvaraciek.sk/?URL=https://www.actuaayudaalimenta.org/profile/concyjedeconme/profile
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Additional Information
See LICENSE.txt for license information
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The Media Player is pretty good but is built really small, so one has to press hard sometimes to make the window from where you can edit a document open fully.
A product with almost same features, Regbrowse (Noord/Sy), is made for the Reg Editor and is free. Both are available here:

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toddpre · June 5, 2022 at 3:15 am

You’ll end up with a very flexible and easy-to-use application that is very easy to learn and very easy to use.

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casyon · June 5, 2022 at 3:43 am

It is compatible with Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and OneNote. Download and let’s…

Microsoft Office Word to Text Converter is an application that allows you to convert multiple Microsoft Word documents to one text format
To be used not only with Microsoft Word but any Microsoft product, the program lets convert multiple documents to one output file, allowing a fast document conversion. It can convert Word documents to a wide variety of text formats, including HTML, TXT, TXM, RTF, http://cse.google.co.ls/url?sa=i&url=https://www.almawomenboutique.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/alomil.pdf
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dicmor · June 5, 2022 at 4:11 am

While it’s free to use, a paid subscription exists as an optional alternative for more advanced options.

CPU Advisor constantly monitors the CPU usage of various processes in the background, without needing to be invoked. Its main purpose is to visualize the latest CPU usage trends for certain apps.
In terms of interface, there are two figures on the left-hand side. On the right, there’s a series of bars, which represent the CPU amounts used. As of now, http://steamworksedmonton.com/wp-content/uploads/derjarm.pdf
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Today’s featured software is Desktop Lock Business, a simple utility designed to lock down PCs. Depending on the Windows edition in use, Win+L can be used to temporarily lock the PC. But if you’re locked out of your PC by mistake or don’t want anyone to view your files, Desktop Lock Business is there to guarantee that only you can access the PC.

This proprietary tool can be used to completely lock down PCs https://imaginacolina.cl/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ellque.pdf
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SpyHunter is your comprehensive spyware solution to get rid of spyware, adware, malware, backdoors and other potentially unwanted programs from your computer. It scans and disinfects your entire computer to detect and eliminate spyware including malware, trojans, keyloggers, dialers, browser hijackers and potentially unwanted applications. You will also get some great tools that let you perform scheduled scans, benchmark your PC’s performance and a registry cleaner.Contagious in Song https://switinolatanam.wixsite.com/theselfmonma/post/verified-download-lasercut-53-operating-software
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ulradve · June 5, 2022 at 5:35 am

It’s friendly for Linux/BSD users but should work with Windows too.
tl-dimmer-control 0.1 was originally released in June 2013, and was recently updated to work better on Linux/BSD-based systems and Mac.

package description

tl-dimmer-control provides you with a lightweight and simple command line tool that can be used for adjusting the dimmer intensity level of a TL-Dimmer V2 flatfield panel controller.

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ICEFX ProfitInfo will display the following information of each Forex trade:

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leggelly · June 5, 2022 at 6:31 am

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SafeInCloud is a lightweight software application whose purpose is to help you store, manage, and organize your passwords in an encrypted environment so your sensitive data cannot be accessed by unauthorized users.
The tool is able to seamlessly integrate within your Chrome browser, so you can easily synchronize your data with your own cloud account, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or SkyDrive.
Intuitive layout and importing options
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phiwil · June 5, 2022 at 7:02 am

The app is completely free, and has nothing to do with advertising. So, there you go…

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The Mint v2 for iOS is a safe and secure application that generates a secure password for all saved accounts. The password for accounts containing sensitive information (financial data, passwords, personal details) such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and personal e-mail accounts, must https://toolbarqueries.google.com.kh/url?q=https://panda-app.de/upload/files/2022/06/pibdQpCI6eLmZ5nfTwua_04_29c1f8302ec0edd351e8bb1d6eb98716_file.pdf
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yelhalf · June 5, 2022 at 8:01 am

Aya Photo to Flash DVd Video SlideShow Creator 1.1: Aya Photo to Flash DVd Video SlideShow Creator is a tool which allows you to convert an image file to Flash formats like AVI. It can be
easily handled by all user levels and the interface is based on a standard window.
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rosamard · June 5, 2022 at 8:31 am

The entire library of new icons is offered in 5 sizes, from 16 to 256 pixels with 256 being the most used since it offers a bigger actual resolution. All the icons were designed using a consistent palette with clean and colorful icons, that will definitely increase your desktop performance.

If you work on large projects, you might have noticed that no single image can cover your whole interface task. There are great reasons for using an extended desktop beyond mere cost savings. But, you might think you can only https://oxfordpublish.org/?URL=http://cyclades.in/en/?p=18444
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chatanc · June 5, 2022 at 9:01 am

It was a dark and stormy night in China’s capital, a black cat appeared on the roof of a cat café in Xicheng district. That moment, told through a gif, is indicative of a Chinese urban legend which claims the cat crosses the rooftop of the café and comes back in the same evening.

Chinese cat cafés, which encourage pet ownership in the name of well-being, are a rapidly growing trend across the country.

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Tipard M2TS Converter ensures the delivery of the highest possible conversion quality, and they also guarantee users with a full one-year warranty. Download and install the software on your desktop now.

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chalavy · June 5, 2022 at 9:49 am

The only further significant issue is that it seems to be quite unstable on some versions of Windows, and thus you need to be careful if you’re going to give it a try.
Very lightweight.
Integrates with the tray.
A few different settings per mouse click.

Double-click is not supported.
Possibility to delete settings (though not permanently).




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reunjav · June 5, 2022 at 10:22 am

Install WAVEhead on your Windows or Linux machine by downloading the installer package from xiph

WAVEhead is currently in development and work may be considered to carry progress notifications as soon as it is visible.


WAVEhead is written in C++ and therefore requires the C++ compiler on your system in order to compile.

Install the C++ development tools for your operating system from

Microsoft Windows: download the VC++redistributable https://antiquesanddecor.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/marinic.pdf
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chaapr · June 5, 2022 at 10:53 am

There’s also an audio spectrum view that updates periodically; this is especially useful because you can visualize the frequencies affected by the device you are using.
The defined values appear in the right panel but are not displayed in a clear and precise manner. The selected knob’s value can also be adjusted and saved, and that can be used in the same way as the built-in presets – after saving it, you will be able to refresh the GUI and load the profile.
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yorpau · June 5, 2022 at 11:41 am

Scala Bayesian Network models are developed by Skymind, they are the industry leader in open source Bayesian Network libraries.
Why adopt the Scala Bayesian Network model?
The scalaj-bayesiannet library is a component of the famous Skymind paradigm, an open source project that can read and write data in a SQL or Key-Value store, translate this into procedural code, and then store the procedural code for training, testing, or production.

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lavfay · June 5, 2022 at 12:41 pm

Will save time in the long run
As you probably know, the password is one of the most useful features to safeguard your personal information. However, if you lose one then you will have to keep looking for that information.
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helmline · June 5, 2022 at 1:41 pm

This version 1.1 has many new features not available in previous versions.



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tevyban · June 5, 2022 at 3:28 pm

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SlyZip Compress is a free unpacked and packed format compression software that allows you to easily create.zip archives and unleash its power to save your time and provide fast access to your files.
The best thing about SlyZip Compress is that it is compatible with systems running on Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Vista and other modern operating systems (including all versions of Windows).
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LauncherNTR is a WinAero skin for iGoogle, Yahoo! 360 Live and Google Desktop, designed to merge menus, gadgets, toolbars and context menus of the applications in question to the desktop.With LauncherNTR, you get a very powerful desktop configuration tool with a beautiful designer with which you can manipulate all parts of your desktop easily.

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There are many distinctions for every screenshot program, one thing to be considered is that screenshots can easily be be printed. Snapashot is 100% capable of taking Screenshots in the traditional format.

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crikeil · June 8, 2022 at 4:30 pm

Just remember to clean up leftovers after you are done!Double-labelling technique for simultaneous immunocytology and autoradiography.
A method is described for the simultaneous light-microscopic detection and autoradiographic analysis of nonhistone proteins and DNA in cells. The technique involves incubation of cells with two or more complementary antibody or lectin conjugates that are labeled with different flurescent or radioactive substrates and their coincubation. Background levels and https://clients1.google.as/url?q=https://attitude.ferttil.com/upload/files/2022/06/FP3DtpbS9ES6iTUKw4bt_06_1f67a8544d324ce1fb2b65c00f455748_file.pdf
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shoverl · June 8, 2022 at 5:04 pm


The BKMK-FULL series contains to compilers for 32bit and 64bit binary MASM code (SSE2 (Win32), NEON and ARM instructions) written with the Borland Keil language. It allows creation of Win32, but also dlls and cross compiler for ARM.

BKMK-FULL runs on Windows 8. https://webneel.com/i/3d-printer/1-free-3d-printer-model-website-cults/ei/12259?s=https://flagonsworkshop.net/upload/files/2022/06/3z1jGBj6xgzLZTfo9UX5_06_be49ef4f7ecf4b7388aa0228201bff66_file.pdf
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cleachan · June 8, 2022 at 5:35 pm

In any case, the utility will undoubtedly help you format a storage device so that you can recover lost data. When it comes to data restoration, the app permits you to browse through the listings of damaged files and folders.
You also can scan storage devices for viruses or malware prior to formatting. When the app retrieves the data that is stored on the drive, you can quickly preview all the data or rebuild of them in the case of a laptop hard drive.
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lauryann · June 8, 2022 at 6:07 pm

■ Simantium (access costs are not included in the project budget).
■ An account with at least 2 years of Yahoo! history (for discovery or success borders).

There will be some transitions between the sites, so please be patient while we make adjustments.

UPDATE: On the way! URL should be fixed soon.

Version 1.0.5

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padmrand · June 8, 2022 at 6:39 pm


angular 7 how to retrieve item data from firestore

here is my method for getting the book and fetching the book page as shown below.
async getShw(filename) {
const users_books=await this.afs.collection(“users_books”).doc(filename).collection(“books”).get();
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To save space in messages with embedded MIME, this option is required, but also can lead to corrupted messages. Therefore, if you need to make sure that UUDeview is working properly, consider to switch this option off.
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