❗„Мононатриевият глутамат е повсеместно разпространен в преработените храни. Известен още като екситотоксин, той представлява вещество, което буквално стимулира мозъчните клетки до смърт“❗
👉Това е само част от най-зловещите твърдения, които могат да се намерят в интернет пространството по адрес на един от най-използваните в храните подобрители на вкуса. Съдържанието на мононатриевият глутамат се сочи като причинител на редица състояния като затлъстяване (дори и при бебета), увреждане на очите, главоболие, умора, дезориентация, депресия и множество други заболявания. Най-често обаче той е свързван със “синдрома на китайския ресторант”. Това е състояние, което се  характеризира със симптоми като главоболие, потене, кожни обриви, изтръпване на устата и гърлото и гадене, настъпващи след консумация на китайска храна, богата именно на мононатриев глутамат.

🔭Множество биохимични, токсикологични и медицински изследвания, провеждани в продължение на повече от 60 години обаче, показват, че мононатриевият глутамат е напълно безопасен за хората, включително децата, бременните и кърмещите жени [1,31,36,38,45,47]. Всъщност редица проучвания установяват, че по-голямата част от хората, дори тези, които твърдят, че са чувствителни към MSG, нямат никаква реакция, когато не знаят, че го приемат [31,36,45]. Според учените, този феномен е част от т.нар. „псевдохранителна алергия“, като около 30% от възрастните в САЩ вярват, че страдат от някаква форма на алергия, а в действителност истинският процент на страдащи е по-малък от 2%. Според някои медицински експерти, още по-притеснителен е дори фактът, че хората продължават да вярват, че имат алергия, дори и след като им бъде показано, че нямат такава [36]. Всъщност няма нито едно научно изследване досега, което да е успяло да покаже убедително, че именно мононатриевият глумат е причината за симптоми, наподобяващи хранителна алергия [48].

⚠Въпреки че мононатриевият глутамат е една от най-изследваните добавки, за която няма никакви потвърдени научни доказателства, че причинява сериозни заболявания или смърт, и въпреки че е получил разрешение за употреба от различни институции в редица държави, митовете около него създадоха и продължават да създават масови истерии сред хората по цял свят [36].

Categories: Nutrition Myths


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aleirexa · May 20, 2022 at 1:45 pm

Arsene Wenger turns down England call-up

Arsene Wenger turned down the opportunity to earn his 100th cap with England in the squad named to compete in the Cyprus Cup.

The Arsenal manager was set to make his 99th appearance for the Three Lions in Monday’s friendly against New Zealand in Cyprus but fell victim to a debate within the national team camp over the correct attacking approach.

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How would a Noetherian vector space give rise to a a topological space?

In a topological vector space $X$, if we define a topology to be generated by a collection $\{U_i\}_{i\in I}$ of subspaces, we get a topological vector space.
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SparkConf using SparkContext in main thread leads to a BlueJ ClassBoundException

We’ve tried for awhile to get Spark to run on our BlueJ environment. The best solution was to try to make Spark spit out default messages of “before I exit main()”, then we can be more certain that the main() thread is the only active thread. This is a partial mock of our code that does this:
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1. Firewallep Cleaner
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haywelbu · May 20, 2022 at 11:37 pm

Ever since Windows Vista was released and versions of MS Word run with reduced resource usage, there’s been additional concern on usage of system resources by consumer programs. The two culprit applications are MS Word as well as PhotoShop Elements. If you’re a serious user of these programs, you need to pay attention to them for good – but whether it’s worth it is somewhat questionable.
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As Vice President Joe Biden joined popular comedians Jay Leno and Jimmy Kimmel to blame sex education for the increase in teen pregnancies, leading to the push for abstinence-only programs, the organization behind them, Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPPNF) has donated just over $430,000 to candidates of the sitting US Congress, including funding for Biden’s Senate campaign.

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However, if you don’t use any of these email clients and receive messages in EML format, you can turn to this lightweight application instead of installing one https://www.jackson-hinds.com/profile/coaperpetherancoa/profile
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From its settings menu, we can find a more detailed description on what these options are trying to achieve.




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Another benefit is that you can choose between five or fourteen different tunes for the hourly alerts.
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A set of levels can be applied from the selected object or ground to achieve a more accurate measurement.
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After reviewing how to optimize textures, for more in depth analysis on texture optimization, check our video on Texture Optimization. For a video overview on Texture Optimization, check out our video on texture optimization.
Optimizing textures for a photo based game is one of the key points to consider, as this will be seen by most people, since it has a big impact on the look of the game.
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Clip’n’Clip Board is an extension for Internet Explorer that combines up to three clipboard histories into one new clipboard. You can paste contents of the past history entries by double-clicking a highlighted entry. If you right-click an entry, you can convert the selected entry into an image. Clip’n’Clip Board is dependent on the Internet Explorer clipboard history.

Clipboard Ruler is an Internet Explorer extension (not an ActiveX or ActiveX Control https://www.stelrad.ie/redirect/?url=https://www.fesfa.co/advert/music-theory-in-practice-grade-1-pdf-download/
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Hex Edit Screen is a Hex Edit windows screen saver. Background Hex Edit includes a Windows explorer like interface. Hyperlinks are possible with a double click and users can add their favourite pictures of Hex Edit files.

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faster than having a real kidney, and you’d have no idea it’s there until it’s removed.

The day before surgery, a painkilling opioid such as fentanyl or morphine will be given as the general anaesthetic is put in.

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After you publish your website in an online portal, you need to have your website search engine optimized. A quality CMS is very helpful in the aspect. This is a suitable platform, if you expect to host your website in a secure virtual hosting account. You don’t want your information hacked and intercepted by wrong developers, due to negligence.
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The package is a great choice and often picked up by colleges and schoolhouses, as it represents a very basic CD/DVD processing package which can be used without the need for advanced knowledge or skills.
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estcurt · June 5, 2022 at 10:45 am

This little utility supports all the main Windows versions ranging from Windows XP to Windows 8.

Welcome to the next page of our Antivirus for Windows review. Today we will go through a few options from AntiGlare and FileInfect. We will take a closer look at some of their most important features, including virus removal, speed and UI/UX.

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All of the folders are represented by their most common features: for instance, Video Folders feature a VCR, Camcorder, and DVD-R icon while Computer folders feature a desktop, drive icon, and word-processing program like Microsoft Office, plus Microsoft Outlook.  The icons are made of high-resolution and open.bmp,.png, and.jpg files so they may be customized and/or used freely. The background https://triberhub.com/upload/files/2022/06/YCrshEj7z6Hh1YuZd4q7_04_80338b101b299b1443f276e4760c9ff4_file.pdf
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It can be good for beginners that are just learning about movies or TV series. It can be also good for professionals that want to rewatch movies and TV shows.
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AstroWin helps people move toward a deeper and clearer understanding of their own lives. It can help your life partner to understand you, make changes in your feelings or modify where you “see” them. As understanding grows your relationships will improve.
This program is ideal for neophytes and seasoned astrologers to use.

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James Tyrer, PhD., wrote a remarkable book about the complex world of human nutrition and health, Teaching Nutrition from A-Z. Why is this book remarkable? What are its strengths? In ten chapters, James offers a truly original, timely, and comprehensive view of the topic, using carefully chosen examples throughout. The chapters are divided into two parts: “Introduction” and “Main Body.” The Introduction is made up of Chapters 1–3 https://deluxegift.ru:443/bitrix/redirect.php?event1=&event2=&event3=&goto=http://gomeztorrero.com/password-depot-1-3-34-activator/
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kaufsha · June 8, 2022 at 3:16 pm

As commonly known, FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, a standard used for communicating with remote computers over the Internet.
Don’t get scared by the name: FTP protocol was in use years before the World Wide Web emerged. And as it was designed when the personal computers weren’t this powerful, the FTP standard couldn’t really support a huge list of options, hence the fewer options you’ll find in FTP clients. Most FTP clients are available for Windows only.

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burrau · June 8, 2022 at 3:46 pm

If you are sick and tired of the default digital clock provided by the operating system, then an analog one may be the key for you.
Candy Clock is a widget designed for the Yahoo! Widget Engine, which consists of a standard frame, showing time in analog mode. It can be easily installed and configured, even by first-time users.
By accessing the ‘Widget Preferences’ section in the right-click menu, you can change the border color, adjust the digit https://www.5etwal.com/sizemenow-professional-crack-activator-download-win-mac/
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carhaza · June 8, 2022 at 4:17 pm

The following Windows versions are supported: Windows Server 2008 R2 and 2012, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10. Windows Server operating systems are not supported with StarPort’s iSCSI Initiator.
The default storage pool encryption key for StarPort’s iSCSI Initiator is set to Hex = 0 and the default encryption key for the encrypted disk images is a’5cl8hkd2&’ (Decimal).

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martsala · June 8, 2022 at 4:51 pm

If you do not create an account, it is free.
EnjoyMyMedia Transmitter is different from others in the way that it allows for automatic synchronizing of your media on different client machines. In other words, when you upload/download from Server to Client it works constantly. No need to import files from different folders.
EnjoyMyMedia will support any Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista/7/8. Please note http://www.buildwin.com/act/lang.php?lang=0&url=https://www.krediciler.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/English_to_Farsi_Farsi_to_English.pdf
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kalowald · June 8, 2022 at 5:21 pm

FontForge Portable is a software tool which was developed specifically to help individuals create and edit Postscript, OpenType, TrueType, Outline and Bitmap fonts.
This utility does not require installation, as it represents the portable counterpart of FontForge. As a result, the Windows registry and Start menu/screen are not going to get updated with new entries, and there will be no leftovers after its removal.
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