👩‍🔬От 1970 г. досега са проведени повече от 3000 изследвания и стотици научни ревюта върху ефективността на акупунктурата. Мнозинството от тези изследвания не откриват доказателства за ефективност [2,27,29]. Допълнително на липсата на ефективност, акупунктурата може да бъде опасна за здравето по две основни причини [3]:

1⃣ При липсата на достатъчно анатомични знания или небрежност акупунктуристът може да засегне важни вътрешни органи или тъкани при забождането на иглите

През 2006 г. канадската олимпийска състезателка по джудо Ким Рибъл решава да лекува главоболие, причинено от катастрофа, с акупунктура. Акупунктуристът случайно пробожда левия ѝ дроб, причинявайки пермаментно увреждане (пневмоторакс — белият дроб се пълни с въздух в плевралното пространството между дроба и гръдната стена). Терапевтът по-късно ѝ обяснил, че болките в гърдите и другите симптоми най-вероятно са причинени от мускулни спазми. Този инцидент слага край на кариерата на Рибъл, а дори леки активности като изкачване на стълби я оставят без въздух. Белият ѝ дроб остава пермаментно увреден и функциониращ на 55% от пълния си капацитет [29,34,35].

Въпреки че вероятността за случване на подобни ефекти при акупунктурни сесии се оценява като минимална, през годините са документирани много случаи на пневмоторакс, а сред тях и случаи на тензионен пневмоторакс [37]. Тензионният пневмоторакс е животозастрашаващо състояние. Настъпва когато в плевралното пространство прогресивно навлиза въздух без възможност да го напусне. Увеличаващото се налягане предизвиква колапс на белия дроб. Целият процес може да настъпи много бързо и да доведе до сърдечен удар за броени минути [36].

2⃣ Ако не са дезинфекцирани, иглите носят риск от инфекции и последващи възпаления.

Според систематичен обзор от 2011 г. продължават да се съобщават сериозни усложнения след акупунктурни сесии. Само между 2000 и 2009 г. са документирани 95 случая на тежки усложнения, включително на 5 смъртни случая като най-честите причини са пневмоторакс, бактериални и вирусни инфекции [13].

Обзор от 2012 г. върху китайската литература, описваща странични ефекти от акупунктурата за периода 1956–2010 г., показва, че най-често съобщаваните странични ефекти са загуба на съзнание (468 случая), пневмоторакс (307 случая) и субарахноидален кръвоизлив (64 случая). Документираните смъртни случаи са 35 [40].

 Обзор от 2013 г. открива, че най-вероятните източници на инфекции са кърпи, горещи опаковки, съдове за вряща вода, замърсени игли и повторно използване на игли на различни места дори и при един и същи човек. От 295 разгледани случая на инфекции в обзора 96% са причинени от микобактерии, а докладваните случаи за последното десетилетие са се увеличили значително [1,45].

Categories: Alternative Medicine


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FileMarker.NET Pro is a free software product developed by MagicBands Software.
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Key features
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CAD drawings (DXF, DWG, DWF, DGN and DXF)

Word documents, pages, icons

File formats:

INDD (.indd)

DUO (.dwo)

JEUL (.jeu)

DRAW (.dwg)

DIN1 (.dxf)

CAMG (.cgm)

INDX (.indx)

AMF (.amf)

The app is compatible with:

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Virtual Air was designed during 2003-2005.

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Martineau comes with several features for enhancing the quality and appearance of your images, and for converting them from different formats to other supported formats, through de-retouching of undesired objects, similar to Adobe Photoshop.
Main features
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Bøbl (roughly, “oil girl”) is the name of an ethnic group or clan of the Yishuv, and/or of the (historically) criminal group, one of the most well-known representatives being Mordecai Anielewicz, the leader of the Jewish Combat Organization and one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

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phrifrit · June 4, 2022 at 3:12 am

Its minimalistic interface and high stability are two solid achievements.Q:

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The company has also taken on the task of designing and building the exhaust systems on racing bikes such as the KTM RC8 Supermoto and the KTM RC16.

Igor Akrapović, a Slovenian motorcyclist with an interest in racing,
commissioned artist Marko Strahija to create a design for a motorbike exhaust system.
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message: unknown file format
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Both 2D and 3D render settings
One very nice aspect of this interior design tool is that it includes both 2D and 3D rendering settings. Thus, you can see the room’s close-up of 2D projection or a preview of the apartments inside it.
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alyigr · June 5, 2022 at 5:59 am

This application allows you to do the same for other local folders such as your Music, Kindle or iPhoto. You can even set up other advanced intents, much like in the case of Mac’s Automator.
With OS X Lion, users now have access to and can work with the new public folder. It’s now accessible from the Applications menu as well as the Finder toolbar. It’s really as simple as 1-2-3.
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We awoke today to a very busy day. There wasn’t much time before we had to be at the Como Zoo in Milwaukie for our clients. But it seemed to go fast. After Edie was calm for a bit, our client had a funeral and she wasn’t well. We left Milwaukie for Detroit and then arrived at the Como Zoo. Too late for lunch, but we decided to get a quick bite then go to our clients who were 9- https://www.ostarrichi.org/goto//?link=https://jasonstillmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/emmpac.pdf
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jancle · June 5, 2022 at 7:30 am

■ WB : Blue/Yellow balance fix
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The 6 slider controls can be used independently to modify the various colour balance points.
Or you can use them all at once with the aptly named “Balance” tool.
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igracarm · June 5, 2022 at 7:58 am

The app also comes with support for most versions of Microsoft Server SQL and it is quite easy to get started with.Q:

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 Other uses for this app may include sending a message to your friends, children, or family members inviting them to spend some time experiencing this great revolution in physics for themselves.

Monte Python

Monte Python are Thomas and Dan Baker and present technical workshops, presentations, concerts and TV shows exploring the history and technology of computer animation. They are New Zealands leading interactive theatre company.


External links

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The software is getting an 8.0 rating on Freeware-DB and 4.8 users rating on cyrpto.at.
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If you don’t know the official name of a package in Java, you can look up its package name in JDocumentation (“”): The first part of the package name, starting with a dot, is the short name of the package, the second part is the long name, which may omit an interface (or abstract class).


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To use KeeSkyDrive you must first make sure that SkyDrive is enabled in Internet Options on each computer. 
The KeeSkyDrive plugin is a KeePass plugin and not a SkyDrive app. Once the KeeSkyDrive plugin is loaded,  each time you want to synchronize, KeeSkyDrive will automatically create a new share folder. This folder  can be named what you want.

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In any case, use this effect with little to no regard to the other tools available.[Spanish-language validation of the quality of life profile in children with fibromyalgia].
To analyze the psychometric properties of the Spanish version of the Quality of Life Profile (QLP-CY) and compare the scores obtained in subjects with and without fibromyalgia (FM). A convenience sample of children and adolescents aged between 8 and 16 years was recruited. They were tested by a psychologist using https://colombiasubsidio.xyz/?p=2160
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Spagic is Universal Middleware, characterized by an innovative approach to the governance and realization of SOA solutions, which are highly modular and configurable around an OSGi (Open Service Gateway initiative) kernel.
The Universal Middleware model offers a new development process which gives real answers to the increasing complexity of the architectural specifications, to reusability and to the management of the lifecycle of the various components.
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cayzeb · June 5, 2022 at 3:09 pm

Tricky the cat logo shows up so widely on the internet I felt that I really wanted to put a post about it up.

The “Tricky” cat is a cartoon cat that’s similar to the Rufus cat that was made by an artist by the name of Dennis McMurray. Dennis did the original Rufus cat that they immortalize in comics, made for MAD magazine.

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1} +z^{ -d} M_{i+1} +\cdots$$ where $a_{i-1}$, $b_{i-1}$, $M_i$ are all positive integers, $d:=a_{i-1}+b_{i-1}$ and $\epsilon_i :=b_{i-1}^2/a_i$. By induction on $i$, we have $d=2$ and https://ppatient.ru/bitrix/redirect.php?event1=&event2=&event3=&goto=https://vogelvriendendoesburg.nl/index.php/advert/ccdc-gold-suite-51-free-downloadrar/
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What’s new in Krento Portable 5.5.2

New engine version – Krento 5.5.2 also contains a new engine build, for Windows XP and Linux.

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Key advantages
Does not modify Windows Registry
Consists of small application files
It does not create any extra files
Click to automatically sort data
Worth mentioning is the fact that all reports are saved with the.csv extension. In addition, each report has its own ASIN ID, so you can quickly login them with the utility and open them with a specific retailer.
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The software is not compatible with 64-bit Windows
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be effective against certain strains of *A. pohnai*in the VN region.

This study was funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (KAKENHI, Grant No. 22390192).

Competing Interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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