Target Muscles
Glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps.
Proper Execution
Raise your hips as high as you can while pushing from one’s leg heel, squeeze glutes at the top, and don’t touch the floor. Keep resting leg lifted off the ground.
Exercise Progression (repetitions per leg)
- Difficulty Level 1:
Day 1:20/ Day2:25/ Day3:Rest/ Day4:25/ Day5:30/ Day6:Rest/ Day7:30/ Day8:35/ Day9:Rest/ Day10:35/ Day11:40/ Day12:Rest/ Day13:40/ Day14:45/ Day15:Rest/ Day16:45/ Day17:50/ Day18:Rest/ Day19:50/ Day20:55/ Day21:Rest/ Day22:55/ Day23:60/ Day24:Rest/ Day25:60/ Day26:65/ Day27:Rest/ Day28:65/ Day29:70/ Day30:Rest
- Difficulty Level 2:
Day 1:40/ Day2:45/ Day3:Rest/ Day4:45/ Day5:50/ Day6:Rest/ Day7:50/ Day8:55/ Day9:Rest/ Day10:55/ Day11:60/ Day12:Rest/ Day13:60/ Day14:65/ Day15:Rest/ Day16:65/ Day17:70/ Day18:Rest/ Day19:70/ Day20:75/ Day21:Rest/ Day22:75/ Day23:80/ Day24:Rest/ Day25:80/ Day26:85/ Day27:Rest/ Day28:85/ Day29:90/ Day30:Rest
- Difficulty Level 3:
Day 1:60/ Day2:65/ Day3:Rest/ Day4:65/ Day5:70/ Day6:Rest/ Day7:70/ Day8:75/ Day9:Rest/ Day10:75/ Day11:80/ Day12:Rest/ Day13:80/ Day14:85/ Day15:Rest/ Day16:85/ Day17:90/ Day18:Rest/ Day19:90/ Day20:95/ Day21:Rest/ Day22:95/ Day23:100/ Day24:Rest/ Day25:100/ Day26:105/ Day27:Rest/ Day28:105/ Day29:110/ Day30:Rest
Exercise Regressions
- Put the resting leg above the other
Regress to Hip Bridge Iso-Hold
1 Comment
Payonee · November 11, 2024 at 3:12 am
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